Who is $GAMBLE for?
$GAMBLE should be viewed as a shorter term investment by investors, that allows GAMBLE Finance to work toward long term, sustainable financial services on the Harmony Network.
$GAMBLE would be a good fit for investors who have been enticed by more risky investments within the crypto sphere (such as reflection tokens), but who want a limited downside risk potential.
Has $GAMBLE been audited?
$GAMBLE has not received an official audit from an official entity like Certik. We are looking to receive an audit when we have funding to do so, and/or are offered one for free. The code for our contract is open source and verified on https://explorer.harmony.one/.
Additionally, $GAMBLE uses a lot of open source libraries and code from OpenZeppelin, Uniswap, etc.
Is $GAMBLE Gambling?
This is a question that can be debated and go on long research tangents... But here at $GAMBLE Finance: we believe it is not. Here are the two most important factors in our determination:
1. $GAMBLE is an investment (Calculated Risk) (Profit Sharing)
$GAMBLE can be compared to other assets in the crypto world: its an investment. As people succeed in getting $GAMBLE or lose- $GAMBLE increases in value. It is profit sharing.
This means there is calculated risk to considering to purchase $GAMBLE anyways. There is also alternative methods to purchasing $GAMBLE- such as liquidity pools on DEXs.
Transactions between wallets, of $GAMBLE, do not have a fee: so other methods of purchasing and selling $GAMBLE are available.
2. You do not lose your entire wager/bet if you lose or win $GAMBLE.
You only lose a small fee. Traditional gambling results in the loss of your entire bet, which usually goes to a single individual. These fees are instead distributed to $GAMBLE holders.
Why Harmony?
GAMBLE Finance needed a known blockchain with easy VRF. Other blockchains such as Fantom would've required oracles to obtain randomness, which would have been expensive and sluggish for the end user. Harmony ONE, being a smaller blockchain, is easily accessible and bridgeable: with higher growth potential than any other blockchain we could've chose.
GAMBLE Finance hopes to make all of its products accessible on Harmony ONE, with other blockchain support existing in the future.
Are Airdrops for $GAMBLE users planned in the future?
The GAMBLE Finance team cannot make any promises on future airdrops. However, we would love to share our future success with the people who helped us get there :)
Does $GAMBLE have governance power?
The $GAMBLE token does not currently hold governance authority, and there is no plans to introduce direct/complete governance authority in the future.
Can I fork $GAMBLE?
You can fork $GAMBLE if you really want to I guess...
Please note that the smarts contracts it is held under the Creative Commons 4.0: Share Alike w/ Attribution license.
However, the website is held under a Proprietary license. This means you would need to build your website from scratch, but can fork the smart contract code directly as long as you utilize the same license and attribute gamblefinance.com for the original.
Your fork cannot impersonate us, use similar graphics/interface, etc.
Note: Forks are not directly endorsed by gamblefinance.com unless otherwise publicly noted by the team.
Last updated